Oct 24, 2018

Healing in progress

It's been 3 weeks today since the operation, and I'm feeling pretty good. All the bloating is finally gone. I'm slowly getting back to my workout routine and have been running since last week. This week I've gone to the gym everyday. It feels good to be back to normal, even though I feel really weak and can't do the same weights I could before the operation.

Me yesterday!

Let's talk about Endometriosis. Ladies, pay attention cause this is a condition that about 25% of women have. Most of them, don't even know they have it.

In my case, random passing outs, those nights when i'm throwing up in pain for hours cause it's all I can do and the pain that feels like If there was glass sliding through my intestines. Sometimes it would hurt to sit down quickly. I'd feel ill all the time and would have to take painkillers daily just to get through work. My stomach would bloat so bad, I looked like I was 6 months pregnant. My fever would spike. It's been 4 years since an ambulance took me to the hospital for the first time cause of my pain. It took 4 years for anyone to take me seriously.

Seriously, these pictures could be taken on the same day. And I'm NOT pushing my stomach out.

I'm excited that I had the surgery done. I'm excited to be rid of constantly feeling unwell and weak.
I'm excited to see the results with my training when I can finally give it my everything.

I will not miss those days when my arms are covered in bruises cause I've been biting my arms trying to survive through the pain. Or going to work after a sleepless night and a visit to the hospital to get the pain shot since nothing else helps.

I'm sick and tired of people belittling my disease. I'm sick of explaining why I'm constantly taking pain killers, my stomach is always bloated and in pain and I'm always exhausted. Why one day I can be completely fine and the next day, feel like I just got hit by a car.

I'm nervous and excited to see if the operation helped with this.

Not much to say about the operation itself. I guess it was pretty simple. I had a laparoscopic surgery done. They cut 4 holes through my stomach. My stomach was pumped with gas. They removed the cysts they found. I think there were 6 all together. One of the cysts was stuck under my pelvis and most likely the one causing most of the pain. They removed it and put a mirena in my uterus. It releases hormones locally and should prevent endometriosis from spreading. Fingers crossed.

Last thing I want to say is, I've been angry with my body. How could it do this to me? I've never smoked, I drink maybe twice a year and I eat good. I've always been into sports and barely eat any red meat. How could my body turn against me like this?

But I've come to realize, all this negativity will not help me heal and be stronger and better. First I have to love myself.
