Might sound superficial or materialistic, but I miss my stuff! I miss my mermaid blanket, my waffle iron, my fluffy cushions and my alarm clock that wakes me up with light instead a noise. I miss peace and quiet. I miss certain foods, foods I never thought I'd miss. Then I think again and I understand, I have the rest of my life to build a home. To feel safe, cozy and warm. I will appreciate all these daily things so much more when I finally go back. But hey, surely I'll get sick of all that pretty quickly again. Then I have time to think all the things I miss in Australia. A perfect weather 90% of the time, beautiful nature, bikinis, BBQ's, beaches and the SUN. I'll always miss the sun.
Despite working constantly I've managed to do some cool stuff too. Yesterday I did a bushwalk and the other week I went to see the 7- mile beach. It's autumn here in Australia so no more swimming for me. I had this summer's last bikini shoot last Tuesday as well. It sure was cold!
I was supposed to have my 3- week holiday in NZ from 3th of May but cause of my work I couldn't go. Next time I'm able to go, it's going to be October but that's fine too. As long as I know it's coming.
Before I left Finland, I felt stuck. Everyday seemed the same and it felt like my life is going nowhere and I had no idea what to do. When I visited Finland, all those feelings were gone. I felt free and I loved it.
The truth is, routine is routine in every country and we all need a holiday every now and then.
Some of us have 2 weeks in Spain and some of us 2 years in Australia.