Nov 1, 2017

Sun, a friend or foe?

Based on a true story;

I'm sure everyone's familiar with the term heat stroke or heat exhaustion. I'm going to explain it anyway. Heat exhaustion is a heat-related illness that can occur after you've been exposed to high temperatures, and it often is accompanied by dehydrationThere are two types of heat exhaustion:

  • Salt depletion. Signs include nausea and vomiting, muscle cramps, and dizziness.
  • Water depletion. Signs include excessive thirst, weakness, headache, and loss of consciousness.
I had all that and much more. So even though I'm from one of the coldest countries in Europe, I'll never learn not to stay in the sun for too long. Like I've said before, I feel like I'm going to run out of sun and I can't waste it. So I thought it was a smart idea to go to the beach for the whole day on Saturday, go out Saturday night and back to the beach on Sunday for the whole day. Nope. 





I love beaches, what can I say?

I felt nauseous after the beach and decided to go by the pool anyway to enjoy the sun a little bit more. Of course without a hat and not too much water either. I've never been a good water drinker. And few hours later I started throwing up. And that lasted for about 6 hours I think. What a wonderful day. 

I should know better, same thing happened in the beginning of the year as well, except that time I was throwing up for almost 2 days in a row and I hadn't been drinking in the day before. That time my master plan was to spent the whole day out in a music festival without a hat and the next day at the beach without swimming or cooling down other ways. Just laying there, on the Australian sun.

I swear this time I'll learn. I'll promise to swim and drink a bottle of water between every hour. I'll wear a hat. I'll never wan't to experience that again.

A hint for non Aussies; Learn from my mistake!

I'm such a Finn.

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